Installation guidelines for foundation renovation

Additional insulation to basement walls

 Basement wall 1 Excavate the ground around the entire length of the wall (with a hired small excavator or use a professional contractor). Make sure that the wall is clean and level. Repair any damage.
 Basement wall 2 Apply a run of cement mortar on the shoulder in the connection between the foundation plate and the basement wall. Check that the surface is dry and spread two layers of floating membrane or cold-applied coal tar paint approximately 500 mm up the basement wall and halfway down the footing.
 Basement wall 3 Install PAROC GRS 20 starting from the bottom (minimum thickness: 80 mm). Position the lowest slab on the footing covered with mortar layer. Eliminate all gaps by pushing the slabs together. Secure the slabs with nails and washers, at least two of each per slab.
 Basement wall 4 Terminate the insulation 100 mm below the prospective ground surface. Apply a slope of cement mortar on top of the insulation.
 Basement wall 5 Install a new drainage pipe 250 mm below the bottom of the footing. Lay the new drainage pipe in gravel surrounded by a fibre cloth to prevent future siltation.
 Basement wall 6
Refill the excavation. Make sure that the ground slants away from the house at a gradient of at least 1:20. Plant flowers and bushes at least one metre away from the wall.