PAROC Acoustic Guide for Technical Insulation is now available in new format

17 Sep 2019
The latest sound absorption data of HVAC, Industry and Marine products is gathered in one place so that it is easy assessable for review and search. The guide also includes sound reduction diagrams of Marine Products and insertion loss for duct and pipes.

Effective noise reduction is an important factor in creating a more pleasant living and working environment. PAROC products are used in a wide range of ventilation equipment and silencers. Due to their porous fiber structure and optimal density, PAROC products are ideally suited as noise reduction solutions and enables good sound absorption properties. Proper sound insulation, especially in cruisers, is essential for a comfortable passenger environment.

Modern HVAC systems and industries must be insulated using a solution that provides good thermal insulation properties as well as fire protection and noise reduction where needed. Therefore the Acoustic Guide showing data of sound absorption properties is very handy for professionals.

How does it work?
List of products are arranged in such way that to see the needed diagram of a product you simply need to click on the product line and it directs you straight to the page with related graph. To return to the list of products you just click the button “Back to list of products”. To continue to work with the Acoustic Guide you may click “Back to contents” and it will bring you back to the front page. The button “Back to contents” is located on each of the pages so that at any time you can return to the list of contents and start over you search of needed graphs and diagrams.

For more information, please contact local sales teams.

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